Germany Population

Population Distribution

As of 2023, the latest population of Germany is 80,159,662, based on our calculation of the current data from UN (United Nations).

Total population 80,159,662
Population growth rate -0.19%
Birth rate 8.60 births per 1,000 people
Life expectancy
Overall 80.32 years
Men 78.04 years
Women 82.72 years
Age structure
0-14 years 12.83%
15-64 years 64.81%
65 years and above 22.36%
Median age 46.50 years
Gender ratio (Male to Female) 0.97
Population density 224.52 residents per km²
Urbanization 88.10%
Germans – last census 2011: 80 219 695 residents – proportion of foreigners 2016: 10.5%; Minorities with special rights: Sorbs (Wends) in Brandenburg and Saxony (60,000), Danes in South Schleswig (50,000), Sinti and Roma (70,000), Frisians in North Frisia and on Heligoland (10,000), Frisians in Saterland (2000)
Protestants 34%, Catholics (Roman Catholic) 34%, Muslims 3.7%; Jews 0.1% without religious affiliation and others 30%
Human Development Index (HDI) 0.939
HDI ranking 4th out of 194

People in Germany

83.2 million people live in Germany. This makes Germany the country in Europe with the second highest population after Russia. 88 percent of the population are German.

12 percent of the population have a foreign passport. With 2.4 percent, Turks are the largest minority in the country. Their number has been decreasing for years, as many Turks have now taken on German citizenship. Smaller minorities are (sorted according to their number in 2015) Poles, Italians, Romanians, Syrians, Greeks, Croats, Russians, Serbs and Bulgarians.

Each woman has an average of 1.4 children. The population is aging. The average age is 47.8 years. This means that Germany has the third oldest population in the world (after Monaco and Japan). The total life expectancy is 81.1 years (men 78.7 and women 83.6 years).

77 percent of people live in a city. The largest cities are Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and Cologne. On the population density map on the left, you can see where most people live per square kilometer and where the fewest. A particularly large number of people live in the north-west, in the Ruhr area. But the population density is also high in Berlin. The northeast, however, is rather sparsely populated. Overall, however, Germany is a densely populated country with 230 people per square kilometer.

Who is the average German?

Who is the average German anyway? He is also often called the average consumer. The name comes from a film from 1948 in which someone is called that. After the Second World War, such a normal consumer was someone who “shopped normally” and received no discounts. Back then there were ration cards with which you could only get a certain amount of groceries in the store because they were so scarce. Pregnant women or hard workers received more than the average consumer.

When we speak of the average German, this does not only mean the consumption of food or the purchase of clothing, but it can also answer the question of how often the German goes on vacation on average, how much water he consumes or how much water per day Children he has.

If you say that the average German spends 107 euros a year on clothes and shoes, then it is calculated as follows: All the money that was spent in Germany on clothes and shoes in one year is added up. This number is then divided by the population of Germany. The result is 107 euros. So this is the average. Of course there are people who spend a lot less and some who spend a lot more. You can then tell if you are below or above average.

Sometimes you are amazed at these numbers. For example, what do you mean, how many apples a German eats on average a year? How much water does he use? Or how long does he watch TV a day? You can find out everything in our video about the average German! You can read all the numbers again below.

How much time do we spend with what?

Per day:

Television (all) – 2:04 hours

TV (children 3-13 years) – 1:19 hour

Reading – 32 minutes

Food – 1:41 hour

Sleep – 8:29 hours a night

What do we spend our money on?

Clothes and shoes – 107 euros a year

Groceries – 332 euros per month (18 euros per household for sweets)

Bread and other cereals – 41 euros per month

What do we eat every year?

Every German consumes on average every year

233 eggs
19 kilos of apples
7 kilos of pasta
58 kilos of potatoes
88 kilos of meat and
99 kilos of vegetables.

How much water do we use a day?

Every German consumes 123 liters of water per day! Most of it, namely 35 percent, goes to shower and personal hygiene through the tap. Only a little less is flushed through the toilet (31 percent). It is less for washing clothes (15 percent). But water is also used for washing dishes (6 percent), cleaning (4 percent), cooking and drinking (3 percent) and watering flowers.

What do we have?

100 percent of all households have a refrigerator.

96 percent own a washing machine.

There is a car in 77 percent of households.

There is at least one bicycle in 80 percent of households.

98 percent have a television.

89 percent have a PC.

95 percent of households have a cell phone.

Languages in Germany

The official language in Germany is German. What is meant is West German Standard German. German is also spoken in Austria or Switzerland, but it differs a bit from this one. Germans and Austrians can still communicate!

Within the European Union, German is the language with the most speakers. After English, it is also the most widely learned foreign language. Worldwide, the number of speakers ranks 10th.

Letters and words

German is written with Latin letters. These are the ones you see here. The alphabet has 26 letters. There are also the three umlauts Ä, Ö and Ü and the ß.

Do you know how many German words there are? There are 5.3 million! That is much more than, for example, English has. However, only a part of it is used in everyday life, namely around 14,000 words. In Duden, the German spelling dictionary, 135,000 words are listed.


If you’re reading this, you probably speak German yourself. Or maybe you speak one of the many dialects that exist in German. There is, for example, Bavarian, Saxon, Hessian, Frisian, Franconian, Swabian or Berliners.

Even more languages ​​than German

In addition to German, there are also some minority languages that are spoken in Germany. There are some Danes who speak Danish living on the border with Denmark. Frisian is spoken on the North Sea coast, namely North Frisian in Schleswig-Holstein and Sater Frisian in Lower Saxony. Sorbian is spoken in Saxony and Brandenburg. Low German (also called Low German) is spoken mainly in the north of the country. It again divides into numerous dialects.

Then there are the languages ​​spoken by the immigrants. Turkish, Polish or Russian can therefore be heard in Germany as well as Italian or Romanian. You can also hear Arabic because many refugees from Arabic-speaking countries live in Germany who fled terrible wars in their home countries.

Religions in Germany

Almost 30 percent of the population in Germany are Protestants or Catholics. A large number, also 30 percent, do not profess any faith. 5.4 percent are Muslim. Smaller minorities are Buddhists, Jews, Hindus or Sikhs. Together, these only make up about one percent.

The distribution within Germany is very pronounced. Most of the people in the south and west are Catholics, in the north mainly Protestants and in the east most of the non-religious. You can find a map below.

Germany Overview

Germany, located in Central Europe, is a country with a landscape of forests, rivers, mountain ranges, and North Sea beaches. It has over 2 millennia of history and is known for its influential role in world events. Berlin, the capital, is home to art and nightlife scenes, the Brandenburg Gate, and many sites related to WWII. Germany is renowned for its engineering innovations and is a leader in various fields of technology. Culturally rich, it is famous for Oktoberfest, classical music, and contributions by philosophers and writers like Kant and Goethe.

State Facts of Germany:

  • Capital City: Berlin
  • Population: Approximately 83 million
  • Area: Approximately 357,022 square kilometers
  • Full Country Name: Federal Republic of Germany
  • Currency: Euro (EUR)
  • Language: German
  • ISO Country Codes: DE, DEU, 276

Bordering Countries of Germany

Germany is a landlocked country located in Central Europe, and it borders a total of nine countries. To the north, Germany borders Denmark, to the east it shares a border with Poland and the Czech Republic, to the south lies Austria and Switzerland, and to the west are France, Luxembourg, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

Denmark is Germany’s northern neighbor and it is connected by land via a 70-mile border between the two countries. It has an area of 16,639 square miles with an estimated population of 5.8 million in 2020. The terrain is mostly flat plains with some hills in northern Jutland. Denmark is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system of government and its official language is Danish.

Poland lies to the east of Germany and has an area of 120,726 square miles with an estimated population of 38 million people in 2020. It has a temperate climate that features cold winters and mild summers with most precipitation occurring during this season. Poland is also a parliamentary republic with its official language being Polish.

The Czech Republic shares its eastern border with Germany and has an area of 30,451 square miles with an estimated population of 10 million people in 2020. Its terrain consists mostly of hilly uplands but also includes low mountains along its western border due to its close proximity to Germany’s Black Forest region. The Czech Republic is also a parliamentary republic like Poland but its official language is Czech instead of Polish as one would expect due to their proximity to each other.


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